2017 R&D Platform

March 19, 2017

     In addition to our affiliate and third party research, Lamplighter Energy's management staff has finalized its selection of ongoing internal R&D programs for 2017 ahead of next months Annual Shareholders Meeting.  The research will be focused on three primary areas:

Energy Storage

     Building on our existing platform of energy storage technology, our 2017 R&D efforts will focus on preparing the bridge from field trials to deployable at scale solutions.  With the goal of bringing added value to existing installations of renewable energy.  The primary challenge facing commercialization of these systems remains in resolving the variabilities in technology  (wind, solar photovoltaic, hydroelectric and geothermal) to the satisfaction of debt financiers.  With the exception of Solar PV, we continue to see 100% equity based deployments of our ESS systems.

Hydrogen Generation

     Through our subsidiary Farming Naturally, we are continuing research in the applications of our core additives and feedstocks.  Having seen the greatest amount of success in the generation of high quality synthetic gas (90%+ CH4) from large scale solid waste streams, our efforts will be focused on using our additives to replicate past trials.  Ongoing success in the ability to generate higher purity methane will lead to supply chains of gas more easily converted into hydrogen through steam reforming.

Biomass Generation

     With the recent success securing a 20 year purchase agreement for biomass, the focus of the research will be to address: increased (weight) yields field method testing, replicating the ability to demonstrate control of seed production and soil erosion control through our ratoon based varietals.  Efforts to improve these three focused areas will lead to more cost effective field operations leading to more reliable domestic supply of biofuel.

     For details on Lamplighter Energy's ongoing R&D (limited release) or to explore partnership research opportunities contact here>>

Rachi Swarisnrot